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RTO Frequently Asked Questions (SATURDAY SESSIONS)

cwk campers caving at Racoon mnt in Tennessee
campers taking chess lessons at cwk






Q: What is the RTO, and what will my kids do?

A: The Royal TakeOVER by Camp Warrior King (CWK), is a program that provides high-quality childcare once a month, on a Saturday, which FREES YOU to do whatever you want, from 8 am-7 pm. Pause for a second and imagine the possibilities...The times are subject to change based on the event for that Saturday.


For children, ages 5-15 yrs old, the Royal TakeOVER is an all-day super party, full of hanging with friends (old and new), enjoying awesome educational activities, great food, and memorable field trips. 


Each Royal TakeOver is unique, your child will never want to miss one.



Q: Is this a co-ed camp?

A: Yes, our camp is co-ed. Children ages 5-15 are welcome to attend. We do not discriminate against children for any reason: race, creed, color, sexual orientation, family structure, or religion.


Q: What should my child wear?

A: Your Camper(s) should wear comfortable clothes. Since we'll venture off campus for various events and activities, kids may wish to come stylishly. RTO  members are welcomed and encouraged to wear RTO gear. T-shirts can be purchased through the CWK  store. Kids love wearing our t-shirts; they're pretty stylish.

















Q: What should my camper bring to camp?

A: Great attitudes and lots of energy!  Additionally, RTO's camp store: "The Suga Shack," offers sweet items and ice cream for a minimal fee. We will venture out on trips. Please provide your child with funds to enjoy themselves at off-site gift shops and other places of interest. 


Technology (ie: tablets, laptops, video games, or music devices) may be used while traveling on the buses.  Students rarely have time to use their devices which also risk being damaged or lost. Phones should be kept out of site--unless permitted by staff. RTO is NOT responsible for lost or stolen items of any kind.










Q: Are meals provided?

A: Yes, Camp Warrior King will provide a meal and two snacks based on the events and schedules of the day. You will be responsible for covering meals off campus to include dinner events. We cook on-site. ALL ALLERGIES MUST BE REPORTED IN YOUR CHILD'S APPLICATION. NO EXCEPTIONS. 


The safety of the children is our number one priority. Parents are recommended to pack meals for children with serious allergies or extreme food preferences.  We will not knowingly cook with peanut products. Most other animals are fair game. If you have a concern, please ask.















Q: Do campers go on field trips with Royal TakeOVER?

A: Yes, campers will attend a mirage of restaurants, events, games etc.



Q: What is the drop off and late pick up policy?

A: Saturday camp hours are from 8 am-7 pm, 11 hours.





Q: Can parents attend field trips?

A: Yes, yes and YES! Take advantage of the opportunity to take pictures, build awesome memories and have a few bonding moments with your camper(s). One rule is: NO WALL-FLOWERS ALLOWED! You gotta get involved in the fun! If you attend a trip or activity, expect to be asked to participate. Depending on the trip, adult admission is normally higher than the campers. 




Other questions people ask...

Q.Will there be activities on campus if my children do not attend the takeOVER events off campus?


A. We plan to expand our program to on campus childcare in the near future. For now, no, all children will attend trips.


Q. Are my children required to stay all day?


A. No. Depending on our schedule, we will return campus as various times. Keep in mind, each Royal TakeOver is different. That means, return times will be different. 


hispanic family enjoying cwk
military family on Big Day at cwk
families on cwk cumberland island trip
cwk caprs on canoeing trip at chrlie elliott
teen campers eating at the vortex in atl
cwk father ad daughter fishing rip at cwk
cwk mother and son on cwk fishing trip to charlie elliott
cwk campers celebrating italian day
cwk mother and son on a ferry to cumberland island
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